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Building environment

== Building a RHEL like env ==
* [[Building a RHEL like environment to cybersec]]
dnf update -y
dnf install hydra gobuster wafw00f whatweb golang git -y
cd /tmp
git clone
cd hacks/html-tool
go build -o html-tool main.go
sudo cp html-tool /usr/local/bin
cd /tmp
git clone
cd getJS
go build -o getJS main.go
sudo cp getJS /usr/local/bin
chmod +x

== Mapping host ==
Courses notes

=== Mapping open ports on host ===
* [[DESEC Security - Introduction to Pentest in Practice - course notes]]
nmap -D RND:20 --open -sS --top-ports=100 -oN open-ports.file
* [[UDEMY - TOTAL: CompTIA Security+ Certification (SY0-601) - course notes]]
* nmap - the comand
* -D RND:20 - will generate 20 random IPs to send the request, to try to mask the requests if there is a inteligent firewall on the other side.
* --open - to get open ports
* -sS - SYN scan the target responds with a '''SYN-ACK''' packet (acknowledging the connection)
* --top-ports=100 - list the top 100 ports
* the host you want to map
* -oN - output name, or, output save to the file named open-ports.file
* -p- - will scan all 65535 ports of the server
* --min-rate=N - will send N packages per second
=== Mapping services on ports ===
nmap --open -sV -pP1,P2... -oN services-on-ports.file
* -sV - to scan the service on the port (scan version)
* -pP1,P2 - scan just port P1 and P2 but you can use any number of ports (e.g. -p80,443,22)
=== Search exposed interfaces ===
gobuster dir -u <nowiki></nowiki> -w /word-list.txt -t 100 -e --no-error -r -o exposed-interfaces.file
* gobuster - the command
* dir - uses directory/file enumeration mode
* -u - URL
* -w - word list
* -t 100 - uses 100 paralel threads for reducing search time
* -e - shows extended log
* --no-error - do not returns errors
* -r - follow redirects
* -o exposed-interfaces.file - save output to exposed-interfaces.file
=== FTP brute force test ===
hydra -v -t10 -l user -p password <nowiki></nowiki> -s PORT
hydra -v -t10 -L /users-list.file -P /passwords-list.file -s PORT
* hydra - the command
* -v - verbose
* -t10 - use 10 threads to make things quickly
* -l - use a specific username
* -L - use a list of usernames
* -p - use a specific password
* -P - use a list of passwords
* -s - specify the port, if not will use the default one (21)
=== WEB brute force test ===
Install Burp Suite, go to intercept and turn it on, open the browser,
access the login interface, intercept the request that sends the authentication, send it to repeater and instruder,
then go to the repeater and repeat many times to test if the application is susceptible to brute force attacks,
then go to the intruder > positions and put a §§ on the password field,
then go to payloads, set payload type to runtime file and then select a file with the password
14 requests in a row and none was blocked by brute force tests.
=== Checking WAF ===
wafw007f -v <nowiki></nowiki>
wafw007f -vv <nowiki></nowiki>
wafw007f -vvv <nowiki></nowiki>
* wafw007f - the command
* -v - verbose level 1
* -vv - verbose level 2
* -vvv - verbose level 3
=== Checking server details ===
whatweb <nowiki></nowiki>
* whatweb - the command
root@sadfasdf:~# whatweb <nowiki></nowiki>
<nowiki></nowiki> [301 Moved Permanently] Apache[2.4.58], Country[UNITED STATES][US], HTTPServer[Ubuntu Linux][Apache/2.4.58 (Ubuntu)], IP[], RedirectLocation[], Title[301 Moved Permanently]
nc -v 80 -C
* nc - the command
* -v - verbose
* 80 - the port
* -C - Send CRLF as line-ending
root@sadfasdf:~# nc -v 80 -C
DNS fwd/rev mismatch: != [] 80 (http) open
OPTIONS /asdasd HTTP/1.0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Thu, 03 Oct 2024 19:07:03 GMT
Server: Apache/2.4.58 (Ubuntu)
Content-Length: 0
Connection: close
=== Get attributes from HTML ===
==== Get comments from html ====
echo '<nowiki>'</nowiki> | html-tool comments
This will return all comments from the page on '<nowiki>'</nowiki>.
* html-tool - the command
* comments - the parameter
==== Get content from html tag ====
echo '<nowiki>'</nowiki> | html-tool tags <tag 1> <tag 2> ...
This will return all content from the tags specified on the page on '<nowiki>'</nowiki>.
* tags - the parameter
* <tag 1> <tag 2> ... - can be any html tag
==== Get content from html attributes ====
echo '<nowiki>'</nowiki> | html-tool attribs <attr 1> <attr 2> ...
This will return all content from the attributes specified on the page on '<nowiki>'</nowiki>.
* attribs - the parameter
* <attr 1> <attr 2> ... - can be any attribute on the html
==== Get JS files from HTML ====
getJS --url <nowiki></nowiki> --complete

Latest revision as of 12:37, 8 October 2024